Green energy collaboration proposal | India & USA for better and a sustainable future – US Pioneer Global VC DubaiHQ & Riyadh

It is pleasure for me to bring a complete green energy plan with a US based collaboration. India has set an ambitious target to generate 60,000 MW of electricity from wind power by 2022. The Indian Government’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy announced a new wind-solar hybrid policy in May 2018. This means that the same piece of land will be used to house both wind farms and solar panels.

(1) Wood into Diesel or Jet Fuel
(A) Free byproduct Biochar that, ‘s fertilizer on steroids that can give 400% to 800% better crop yield. The population of the world needs more algaculture
(B) Fine Graphene which is used in 60 different industries, and our intent is to have 10 plants in production to build a Graphene Battery to supply the auto industry and also use it as a fuel additive in Fossil fuel bast gasoline and diesel, and Jet fuel which has shown 30% better engine performance and 70% less pollution without changing any Infrastructure Or engine design. Oil is not going away we just need to process it cleaner. This will give us a monopoly additive for the oil gas industry.
(2) Our US based client has the global patent to infuse hydrogen molecules from water into old used oils, making it a super lubricant for engines, industries, and heavy crankshafts for ships and other heavy machinery.
(3) Also they hold a world patent using hydrogen molecules from water and infusing them into iron, making a new metal with exceptionally high magnetism which can accelerate the productivity of mag-lift trains, computers, and electronics power generators.
(4) Our US partner has 51% ownership of one of the most significant oil gas resources that will produce over its 25 years lifetime with 250 wells on 32000 acres of land $50 Billion in oil & gas production.

Proposal for partnership going forward, Green Energy and Beyond.
Our US based partner has the perfect Green Energy project with overwhelming profit margins and strong IPO once we build out 10+ plants.
The Green Energy project byproduct is Graphene which is $200,000 a ton. We will have a monopoly on Graphene as it has patented processes to use for batteries and as fossil fuel additives.

Arcen Mukherjee

Partner & Fund Management, Client relations and Global Market Accounts Management: Pioneer Global Venture Capital, USA
Director: Arcen Inmobiliario PVT LTD

Contact: +919007908206
PGVC Website:
AI PVT LTD Website:

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Pankaj Pramanik
Charlotte NC USA
+1-919-225-2260 M US 
+91 – 6290458828 India
