TSCM Morris Chang Explains Taiwan’s Semiconductor Advantage : US Pioneer Global VC DIFCHQ NYC India Singapore – Riyadh Norway Our Mind

TSMC has to screw up to lose its lead in Semiconductors. Intel was in the lead for decades and then they screwed up badly and lost about 6+ years. Intel was about 2-4 years and now are trying to catch up from 4 years behind.

TSMC Morris Chang is keeping it going. 30 minutes into this video, Morris Chang talks how he keeps employees with long term service and experience in TSMC and how that enables TSMC to win. Trade schools in Taiwan give quality technicians and operators. You cannot have 25% turnover of technicians and operators because it takes 3 months to get remotely competent and it messes up your manufacturing. TSMC has about 2% turnover. They have a learning curve advantage but only works locally. TSMC has thousands of engineers in dorms Monday to Friday. Taiwan could lose its engineering mojo grit in the next 20-30 years. The US had this engineering grit in the 1950s-60s. If Taiwan loses it, then semiconductor leadership will move to the next country which could be India, Vietnam or Indonesia.

TSCM Morris Chang Explains Taiwan’s Semiconductor Advantage